I've noticed many postings recently on how to make authentic Indian chai, but I don't think anyone's really explained the secret of Indian-style tea, so here it is: The best way to get the distinct flavor of Indian tea is to take the tea bag or loose tea (preferably Darjeeling or Assamese) and put it in the water while it's cold (yes, cold). Then boil the water with the tea bag in it. Once it's boilng add 1-2 spoons of sugar and about 1/4 cup of milk (add quantity to taste) and cook just for about 30 seconds. Then strain and serve. Add Indian Masala when water starts boiling, if you like the taste. You'll find that the taste of any tea bag is better when it boils instead of adding boiled water into a tea cup with a tea bag because the tea really "infuses" when you boil the bag with the water. Even though I've grown up in America, I've been in-bred with a love for Indian chai! Pradnya Joshi |